Pronostic Maternel et Périnatal de l’Accouchement chez les Adolescentes au Service de Gynécologie Obstétrique de l’Hôpital de Sikasso.: Maternal and Perinatal Prognosis of Childbirth in Adolescents in the Gynecological-Obstetrics Department at Sikasso Hospital.

RESUMEIntroduction. L’objectif de notre etude etait de determiner la frequence et d’evaluer le pronostic maternel et perinatal lors de l’accouchement chez les adolescentes a l’Hopital de Sikasso. Methodologie. Il s’agissait d’une etude de cohorte retrospective allant du 01 janvier 2017 au 31 Decembre 2018 etudiant le pronostic maternel et perinatal de l’accouchement chez les adolescentes au service de gyneco-obstetrique a l’hopital de Sikasso. Resultats. La frequence d’accouchement chez les adolescentes etait de 5,72%. Les adolescentes etaient mariees dans 80% des cas. L’insuffisance de suivi de la grossesse etait deux fois plus frequent chez les adolescentes que chez les adultes. Les adolescentes etaient 1,87 fois plus concernees par les accouchements prematures ; 2,38 fois plus par l’HTA et 3 fois plus par les crises eclamptiques. Les anomalies du bassin comme le bassin limite, le bassin generalement retreci et le bassin immature etaient respectivement 2,7 fois ; 3 fois et 5,4 fois plus elevees que chez les adultes. Le risque de cesarienne etait 2 fois plus eleve chez les adolescentes et le risque de deces maternel 1,3 fois plus. Les nouveau-nes de meres adolescentes avaient respectivement 1,4 fois, 5 fois, 1,87 fois plus de malchance d’etre hypotrophes, prematures que ceux de meres adultes. Conclusion. L’accouchement chez les adolescentes, comparativement a celui de femmes âgees de 20-34 ans, reste associe a un mauvais pronostic. Les CPN de qualite, la surveillance et la prevention des pathologies de la grossesse chez les adolescentes s’averent indispensables pour limiter les complications obstetricales et neonatales.ABSTRACTIntroduction. The objective of our study was to determine the frequency and to assess the maternal and perinatal prognosis during childbirth among adolescents at the Sikasso Hospital. Methodology. This was a retrospective cohort study from January 01, 2017 to December 31, 2018 studying the maternal and perinatal prognosis of childbirth among adolescents in the obstetrics and gynecology department at Sikasso Hospital. Results. The frequency of childbirth among adolescents was 5.72% and 80% of adolescents were married. The lack of pregnancy follow-up was two times more common among adolescents compared to adults. Adolescents were 1.87 times more likely to have premature deliveries, 2.38 times more likely to suffer hypertension and 3 times more likely to have eclampsia seizures. Pelvic anomalies such as borderline pelvis, generally contracted pelvis, and immature pelvis were respectively 2.7 times, 3 times, and 5.4 times higher than among adults. The risk of cesarean section was 2 times higher among adolescents and the risk of maternal death 1.3 times higher. The newborns of adolescent mothers were 1.4 times, 5 times, and 1.87 times more likely to be hypotrophic, premature, and underweight than those of adult mothers. Conclusion. Childbirth among adolescents, compared with that of women aged between 20 to 34 years, is associated with a poor prognosis. Quality antenatal care, surveillance, and prevention of pathologies of adolescent pregnancy are essential to prevent obstetric and neonatal complications.
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