First results from the Arecibo Galactic HI Survey: the disk/halo interface region in the outer Galaxy

The consortium for Galactic studies with the Arecibo L-band Feed Array (ALFA) is conducting a neutral hydrogen (HI) survey of the whole Arecibo sky (declination range from -1 to 38 degrees), with high angular (3.5') and velocity resolution (0.2 km/s). The precursor observations with ALFA of a region in the Galactic anti-center reveal numerous isolated, small (a few pc in size), and cold (T_k<400 K) HI clouds at low negative velocities, distinctly separated from the HI disk emission (`low-velocity clouds', LVCs). These clouds are most likely located in the transition region between the Galactic disk and halo (at scale heights of 60--900 pc), yet they have properties of typical cold neutral clouds. LVCs are colder and, most likely, smaller and less massive than Lockman's clouds in the disk/halo interface region of the inner Galaxy. Our observations demonstrate that the cloudy structure of the interface region is most likely a general phenomenon, not restricted to the inner Galaxy. LVCs have sizes and radial velocities in agreement with the expectations for clouds formed in low-temperature fountain flows, although we measure a factor of ten higher HI column densities. Alternatively, LVCs could represent the final stages of the infalling intergalactic material in the on-going construction of the Galaxy. In the same dataset at higher negative velocities, we have discovered a `companion' HI cloud located 50' southwest of CHVC186+19-114. CHVC186+19-114 is a typical compact high velocity cloud (HVC) with a well-defined core/envelope structure. The companion cloud has a diameter of only 7'x9', and is one of the smallest HVCs known, most likely stripped from the main cloud through the interactions with the halo medium.
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