The Effect of Pancreatic Fistula on Gastric Secretion

Summary Heidenhain pouches were constructed in eight mongrel dogs and control collections were obtained for 26 to 63 days. After the pancreas was completely separated f rom the duodenum, with preservation of pancreatic ductal connections and blood supply to the duodenum, the pouch secretion increased in two dogs, was unchanged in three dogs, and decreased in one dog. Subsequent pancreaticoileostomy to a Rouxen-Y limb of terminal ileum in seven dogs without transplantation of duodenal mucosa, uniformly caused highly significant rises in secretion from the Heidenhain pouches when compared with control secretion or secretion after pancreatic separation. Transplantation of the pancreatic duct is responsible at least in part for the hypersecretion of gastric juice observed after shift or excision of the duodenum with diversion of pancreatic juice to the ileum.
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