Towards the Middle Palaeolithic in Western Europe: The case of Orgnac 3 (southeastern France)

Abstract The sequence of Orgnac 3 in southern Europe is dated to MIS 9 and the beginning of MIS 8. The site contains records of Upper Acheulian occupations with evidence of Middle Palaeolithic technological strategies at the top of the sequence. In order to address the question of gradual versus punctuated changes in the onset of the Middle Palaeolithic, nine criteria on subsistence strategies and technological behaviour were selected throughout the whole stratigraphic sequence to describe behavioural patterns. Results indicate a mosaic of changes in hominin subsistence and technical behaviour and attest to both gradual and punctuated changes over time. For the most part, they cannot be explained by environmental factors such as site formation processes or climatic transitions. Thus, behavioural change at Orgnac 3 may be interpreted as ‘multifaceted,’ with a combination of gradual and punctuated shifts by hominins inhabiting the area. Orgnac 3 may be considered as a ‘key-site’ for understanding the basis of the Neanderthal material world and possibly the onset of clearly differentiated traditions in Neanderthal populations.
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