Effect of strontium doping on structural and electrical properties of LMTO ceramic

In this paper, the sample La1-xSrxMn0.4Ti0.6O3 (x = 0.32, 0.34 and 0.38) has been fabricated using solid-state reaction method and its structural and electrical properties have been studied. The X-ray diffraction patterns reveal that the sample's structure was attributed to the cubic structure (“a” = 3.8968 A) with space group Pm-3m and a volume of 59.17 A3. The surface morphology shows the sample's grain and grain boundaries are well formed. As the strontium doping increase, merging between grains occurred. The electrical properties of the samples analyzed using the Cole-Cole Impedance possesses one semi-circle due to grain effect. A model using an electrical circuit has been purposed. The values of capacitance obtained are approximately 2 x10-10 F to 6 x10−10 F.
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