OpenRisk: A risk management toolbox for prevention and response of pollution from maritime activities

Risks in the maritime domain have various sources, of which the transportation of oil and other noxious substances is one of the key concerns to industry and public stakeholders (HELCOM, 2018b). With the increased presence of off-shore wind farms, off-shore production and processing facilities, new risks have also emerged over the past decades. The previous large-scale ship and off-shore accidents, such as Erika (1999), Prestige (2002) and Deepwater Horizon (2010) have demonstrated that e.g. oil spills can have disastrous impacts on the marine and coastal ecosystems (Venesjrvi R., 2016), and they can cause also significant economic losses (Yamada Y., 2009). In addition to the accidental spills, there are also operational spills, which are small, but frequent, intentional or inadvertent spillages in the sea due to ship operations (Neves A. et al., 2015).
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