A Core–Valence Separated Similarity Transformed EOM-CCSD Method for Core-Excitation Spectra

We present the theory and implementation of a core-valence separated similarity transformed EOM-CCSD (STEOM-CCSD) method for K-edge core excitation spectra. The method can select an appropriate active space using CIS natural orbitals and near "black box" to use. The second similarity transformed Hamiltonian is diagonalized in the space of single excitation. Therefore, the final diagonalization step is free from the convergence problem arising due to the coupling of the core-excited states with the continuum of doubly excited states. Convergence trouble can appear for the preceding core-ionized state calculation in STEOM-CCSD. A core-valence separation (CVS) scheme compatible with the natural orbital based active space selection (CVS-STEOM-CCSD-NO) is implemented to overcome the problem. The CVS-STEOM-CCSD-NO has a similar accuracy to that of the standard CVS-EOM-CCSD method but comes with a lower computational cost. The modification required in the CVS scheme to make use of the CIS natural orbital is highlighted. The suitability of the CVS-STEOM-CCSD-NO method for chemical application is demonstrated by simulating the K-edge spectra of glycine and thymine.
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