Technical progress in robotic pancreatoduodenectomy: TRIANGLE and periadventitial dissection for retropancreatic nerve plexus resection.

The resection of retropancreatic nerve plexuses for pancreatic head cancer became standard of care during open pancreatoduodenectomy to minimize local recurrences. Since more surgical centers are progressing on the learning curve, robotically-assisted pancreatoduodenectomy is now increasingly performed with decreasing anatomic exclusion criteria. To achieve comparable and favorable oncologic outcomes, advanced surgical techniques should be transferred and implemented when performing robotic resections. The nomenclature and anatomic principles of retropancreatic nerve plexuses and three different levels of dissections are utilized based on established definitions. The en bloc dissection in the “TRIANGLE” area (triangular-shaped retropancreatic space enclosed by the common hepatic artery, superior mesenteric artery, and superior mesenteric vein/portal vein) and the periadventitial dissection of arteries for non-tunica media-invading tumors were executed robotically. Both can be utilized to achieve a radical dorsal and medial margin. Video recordings are provided to illustrate varying TRIANGLE dissections. To accomplish oncologic non-inferiority, established principles from open pancreatic resections can be incorporated precisely and safely, overcoming the lack of haptic feedback while exploiting the technological advantages of the robotically-assisted platform.
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