ABSTRAK Pembelajaran untuk mata kuliah pendidikan matematika yang meliputi teori belajar, perkembangan peserta didik, profesi keguruan. Selama dua tahun berturut-turut pembelajaran dilakukan dengan metode ceramah, diskusi kelompok dan penugasan berupa pengerjaan Lembar Kerja Mahasiswa (LKM). Metode ini mengakibatkan mahasiswa jarang melakukan kerja sama untuk mengingat serta memaknai dan mengimplementasikan materi melalui kegiatan microteaching . Inovasi model pembelajaran diperlukan agar mahasiswa mampu berkolaborasi untuk menyelesaikan permasalahan serta mengimplementasikan materi. Tujuan penelitian ini yaitu untuk mendeskripsikan hasil implementasi model pembelajaran REACT dan tinjauannya terhadap kemampuan kolaboratif mahasiswa melalui kegiatan observasi. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah deskriptif yaitu dengan data kualitatif berupa hasil implementasi model pembelajaran yang dilaksanakan sebanyak 8 kali pertemuan pada kelas Strategi Pembelajaran Matematika untuk mahasiswa Semester Kedua di Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang serta adanya peningkatan kemampuan kolaboratif mahasiswa. Kemampuan kolaboratif terlihat dari pengerjaan LKM secara berkelompok dan kerja sama dalam pembuatan desain pembelajaran matematika. Kolaborasi juga dapat terlihat dari kontribusi ide penyelesaian masalah, saran, gagasan, serta pertanyaan yang bersifat konfirmasi. Selain itu, simulasi desain pembelajaran juga merupakan bentuk kolaborasi anggota tim. Kemampuan kolaboratif terlihat paling jelas ketika tahap Experiencing, Cooperating, dan Transfering . Tahap experiencing menunjukkan mahasiswa mampu menjawab pertanyaan yang didasarkan pada pengalaman pribadi. Tahap cooperating menunjukkan mahasiswa berdiskusi aktif menyelesaikan LKM secara berkelompok. Tahap transferring menunjukkan mahasiswa bekerja sama membuat desain pembelajaran serta mensimulasikan. Dengan demikian, melalui implementasi model pembelajaran REACT, mahasiswa mampu meningkatkan kemampuan kolaboratif. Kata-Kunci:  Model Pembelajaran REACT; Kemampuan Kolaboratif; Pendidikan Matematika. ABSTRACT Learning on mathematics courses education that includes learning theory, students’ development, and the teaching profession, was performed for two years in a row by using the method of lectures, group discussions, and assignments in the form of a worksheet. The methods caused the students rarely to do work together to memorize, interpret, and implement the material through the activities of microteaching. The innovation learning model was necessary so that students could collaborate to solve problems and implement the material. This research aimed to describe the results of the implementation of the REACT learning model and its review on the students’ ability to collaborate through the activities of observation. The research method employed descriptive with qualitative data in the form of the results of the implementation of the learning model implemented on 8 meetings on the class of Strategies of Learning Mathematics for the students of the Second Semester in Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang as well as an increase in the ability of collaborative students. The students’ collaborative learning can also be seen from the students’ contribution to problem solving, suggestions, ideas, and questions in the form of confirmation. The design and simulation of the learning design were in the form of collaboration from team members. Students’ ability to collaborative learning was clear on the stage of Experiencing, Cooperating, and Transferring. The stage of experiencing showed that students were able to answer questions based on personal experience, the stage of cooperating showed that students actively conducted discussion to complete the worksheet in groups, and the stage of transferring showed that students were working together to make learning design and its simulation. Thus, through the implementation of the REACT learning model, students could improve the ability of collaborative learning. Keyword: REACT Learning Model; Collaborative Ability; Mathematics Education
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