Performance on the Wisconsin Card Sorting Test among adolescents in Taiwan: Norms, factorial structure, and relation to schizotypy

The aims of this study were to assess developmental trends in performance on the Wisconsin Card Sorting Test (WCST) among 817 randomly selected adolescents aged 13-15 years, and to explore WCST performance factor structure and relationship to schizotypy. The results showed that of the nine WCST indexes, only the Categories Achieved and Failure to Maintain Set scores were associated with age, and only the Learning to Learn scores reached adult levels. Factor analysis of WCST performance scores yielded a three-factor structure. Psychometrically defined schizotypic subjects did not perform significantly worse than control subjects on any WCST indexes. These findings suggest that performance on various WCST indexes might indicate developmental changes at different ages, and deficits in WCST performance might not be sensitive indicators of vulnerability to schizophrenia in adolescence.
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