Establecimiento in vitro de Zephyranthes spp.

The genus Zephyranthes plants bulbous, herbaceous and perennial, with great ornamental value, because their flowers have a great variety of sizes and colors. The objective of the present work was to in vitro establish of Zephyranthes spp. from seeds and bulbs as initial explants. The seeds were immersed for 10 min in 1.5% sodium hypochlorite. In the bulbs, the outer catheles were removed and cut longitudinally in as many sections (SB) as possible. Three methods of disinfection were evaluated: I. 1 min in ethanol 90% and 20 min in 1.5% sodium hypochlorite. II. 1 min in 90% ethanol and three exposure times, 10, 15 and 20 min in the fungicide Mancozeb (4 g l -1 ). Every seven days the number of explants contaminated with microorganisms was quantified and the percentage of microbial contamination was calculated after 20 days of culture. In the seeds, the number of germinated seeds was quantified and the percentage of physiological germination (protrusion of the primary root) and organ formation were calculated. Bulbs were also evaluated for shoot development up to 20 days of culture. In the seeds microbial contamination was 2% and germination 95%. Organs such as bulbs, roots and leaves were observed. Although shoot were developed, the methods of disinfecting the bulbs were not effective for 100% contamination. Keywords: disinfection, geophyte, micropropagation, ornamental
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