Experiment S026: Ion wake measurement

Measurements of the ion-wake and electron-wake structure and other perturbations of the ambient medium produced by the Gemini spacecraft in orbit are reported. Thruster firings in the TDA-south configuration produced a decrease in the observed ion flux to the outboard ion sensor, an apparent increase in the ion flux to the inboard ion sensor, and an enhanced electron concentration to the outboard electron sensor. Visual inspection of strip-chart data was indicative that definitive wake-cone angles could be determined. It also was apparent for many cases that the electron distribution followed the ion depletion effects; this was indicative that the wake was a plasma, not an ion wake. Analysis of the data from the GATV orbits was indicative that electron and ion temperatures were higher than was estimated. The high electron temperature accounted for the sensor saturation observed during the mission. This temperature measurement was 0.3 electron volt at a 200-n. mi. altitude during daytime conditions. Spacecraft wake structure has been observed as far as 100 feet from the vehicle.
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