Small Companies Access to Multi Guarantee Mechanisms - An Evidence from Serbian Female Companies

Financial markets and sources of funds are scarce in Serbia for small companies, especially for these owned by women. There is a little mobilized capital for various reasons to support innovative small companies, the lack of private equity funds and various multi guarantee schemes, and private public sources. The main objective of this paper is to show the opportunities for the better transfer of best current practice into the system and practical solutions of the Serbian financial intermediaries and end users in the field of guarantees /loans, equity or joint venture, the proportion of the guarantee/ which covers the loan, interest rate, length, and conditions of the applications /, service/ multi societies or state agencies/. Investments in the Development of small companies, female owned, especially in the innovation of products, services and technology are the main precondition to their greater involvement in exporting, selling goods with higher added value to global market and sustainability of their business.
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