Gamificación como complemento para el aprendizaje en Química Orgánica

In this work, the most relevant results of this gamification are shown. Gamification is used as a learning complement in the subject Inorganic and Organic Chemistry, which is taught in the fourth semester (second year) of Chemical Enginnering degree taught in Escuela Tecnica Superior de Ingenieria y Diseno Industrial (E.T.S.I.D.I.). The gamification technique was based on questionnnaires solved by students on the Moodle platform and served as a complement for the students to acquire the necessary knowledge of Organic Chemistry. The experience was repeated twice: the first questionnaire was carried out before the first exam and the second one was carried out before the last exam of the course. Using this tool the majority of students have successfully passed the course. In addition, students reported they were highly satisfied with the use of this metodology.
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