Radiation emergency medical preparedness for cytogenetic biodosimetry in Hirosaki University, Japan

Hirosaki University has been designated by the Nuclear Regulation Authority as an Advanced Radiation Emergency Medical Support Center and as a hospital which accepts radiation emergency medical patients in Japan. One of the efforts of the Advanced Radiation Emergency Medicine Support Center is cytogenetic biodosimetry in radiation emergency medicine. We are working on validating all the steps from blood collection and storage to DNA damage evaluation. We are also improving various methodologies, such as the cytokinesis-block micronucleus (CBMN) assay. In our improved CBMN harvest protocol to store fixed isolated PBMCs (peripheral blood mononuclear cells), a high frequency of scorable binucleated cells can be obtained with routine biodosimetry reagents and equipment. In addition, we are strengthening infection control measures and working to establish a system that enables safe and reliable dose estimation of exposed patients during the COVID-19 pandemic. Furthermore, we have developed on-campus education system for undergraduate and graduate students, and programs for off-campus trainees, such as "International Training Program for Radiation Protection" to develop human resources responsible for cytogenetic biodosimetry. In this time, I would like to introduce the efforts of the cytogenetic biodosimetry laboratory in Hirosaki University, Japan.
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