A RanGTP-independent mechanism allows ribosomal protein nuclear import for ribosome assembly

The production of a protein in a cell starts with a region of DNA being transcribed to produce a molecule of messenger RNA. A large molecular machine called ribosome then reads the information in the messenger RNA molecule to produce a protein. Ribosomes themselves are made of RNA and several different proteins called r-proteins. The construction of a ribosome starts with the assembly of a pre-ribosome inside the cell nucleus, and the ribosome is completed in the cytosol of the cell. A yeast cell will divide about 30 times during its lifetime, and before each division event a single yeast cell needs to import about 14 million r-proteins into its nucleus in order to make about 200,000 ribosomes. However, many details of this process are mysterious. In particular, many r-proteins are known to be unstable: meaning that, left to their own devices, r-proteins are highly likely to aggregate, which would prevent them becoming part of a ribosome. Now, Schutz et al. have figured out how a carrier protein called Tsr2 makes sure that an r-protein called eS26 does indeed become part of a ribosome. The human disorder known as Diamond-Blackfan anemia is caused by a mutation in the gene for eS26. The eS26 proteins are ferried to the cell nucleus on specialized transport vehicles. Schutz et al. have now shown that the Tsr2 carrier protein unloads the r-protein from the transport vehicle in the nucleus, and then binds it. This means that the r-protein does not form an aggregate. Finally, the Tsr2 carrier protein transfers the r-protein to the pre-ribosome. This is the first time that a carrier protein that unloads an r-protein cargo from its transport vehicle, to ensure safe delivery to the pre-ribosome, has been identified.
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