Physical nature of electrically detected magnetic resonance through spin dependent trap assisted tunneling in insulators

We show that electrically detected magnetic resonance (EDMR), through spin dependent trap assisted tunneling (SDTT) in amorphous SiC, exhibits approximately equal amplitudes at very high (8.5 T) and very low (0.013 T) magnetic fields at room temperature. This result strongly supports an SDTT/EDMR model in which spins at two nearby sites involved in a tunneling event are coupled for a finite time in circumstances somewhat analogous to spin pair coupling in the spin dependent recombination/EDMR model of Kaplan, Solomon, and Mott (KSM) [Kaplan, Solomon, and Mott, J. Phys. Lett. 39, 51 (1978)]. Since a comparable near zero magnetic field change in resistance is also observed in these samples, our results support the idea that this magnetoresistance response is also the result of a KSM-like mechanism involving SDTT. Additionally, we observe a large enhancement in SDTT/EDMR at high field (8.5 T) for temperatures below 50 K, which suggests the potential utility of SDTT in spin based quantum computation and other...
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