Damage and modification of materials produced by pulsed ion and plasma streams in Dense Plasma Focus device

In radiation material science the experimental tests of various specimens of different materials occupy an important niche. In particular it refers to materials which are counted as perspective ones for different parts of plasma devices and accelerators as well as for the mainstream nuclear fusion devices (NFD) of both types – with inertial (IPC) and magnetic (MPC) plasma confinement [3, 9, 14, 15]. In the last category we have to denote first of all those facilities, which are currently under construction – LMJ (France), ITER (France), and NIF (USA). Another issue of the days in this field is to find a proper tool for modification of Damage and modification of materials produced by pulsed ion and plasma streams in Dense Plasma Focus device* Valeriy N. Pimenov, Elena V. Demina, Sergey A. Maslyaev, Lev I. Ivanov, Vladimir A. Gribkov, Alexander V. Dubrovsky, Ulo Ugaste, Tonu Laas, Marek Scholz, Ryszard Miklaszewski, Blagoslav Kolman, Agostino Tartari
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