The inhibition pathway of the EBV-immortalized cells in children with infectious mononucleosis

Objective To explore the inhibition pathway of the EBV-immortalized cells (CD23+) in children with infectious mononucleosis(IM) caused by Epstein-Barr virus. Methods The expressions of CD23, CD19, CD95, Bcl-2 and the co-expressions of CD23CD95,CD19CD23 on peripheral blood mononuclear cell (PBMC) were analyzed by flow cytometry (FCM) during acute phase, early convalescent phase and convalescent phase of 34 EBV-IM children and compared with that of 24 healthy donors. Results ①The levels of CD23+ and CD23+CD19+ cells decreased and CD95+, CD95+CD23+, Bcl-2+ cells increased markedly in IM patients in acute phase [CD95+ cells (19.43±8.46)%; CD95+CD23+ cells (1.81± 1.71 )%; Bcl-2+ cells (23.41±26.47)%] and early convalescent phase [CD95+ cells (12.94± 5.05 )%; CD95+CD23+ (1.05±1.20)%; Bcl-2+ cells (10.54±9.68)%], as compared with those of healthy controls [CD95+ cells (10.39±2.90)%; CD95+CD23+ cells (0.50±0.46)%; Bcl-2+ cells ( 7.25± 2.88 )%]. The earlier the course of IM, the more abnormal the expressive levels. All the abnormal results returned to normal in convalescent phase. ②Positive relationships were observed between the expressions of CD95+CD23+ cells and that of CD23+ cells, CD23+CD19+ cells during acute and early convalescent phase, the expressions of Bcl-2+, CD3+ cells and CD23+, CD23+CD19+ cells during acute phase, the expressions of CD95+CD23+ cells and Bcl-2+ cells during acute phase, and the expressions of CD95+CD23+ cells and CD95+ cells during convalescent phase. Conclusion The results indicate that CD95L-CD95 mediated apoptosis plays an important role in eliminating EBV-immortalized cells, which is counteracted partly by Bcl-2.
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