A new species, a new subspecies, and new records of Hoya (Apocynaceae, Asclepiadoideae) from Myanmar and China

A new species, Hoya kachinensis, and a new subspecies, H. pandurata subsp. angustifolia, are described and nine new country records (H. edeni, H. fungii, H. griffithii, H. oreogena, H. pandurata, H. polyneura, H. rostellata, H. thomsonii and H. yingjiangensis) are enumerated. Hoya edeni is also newly recorded from China. Lectotypes are designated for H. acuminata, H. edeni, H. fungii, H. oreogena and H. thomsonii. Most of the species were collected during recent expeditions to Shan State and Kachin State, Myanmar. Hoya kachinensis is similar to H. griffithii in having large, glabrous oblanceolate leaves, but can be distinguished by the corolla shape, which is rotate in H. griffithii and salverform in H. kachinensis. Hoya pandurata subsp. angustifolia can be distinguished from H. pandurata subsp. pandurata by the shape of the lamina, which is lanceolate in the former, and pandurate in the latter.
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