IRMPD action spectroscopy, ER-CID experiments, and theoretical approaches investigate intrinsic L-thymidine properties compared to D-thymidine: Findings support robust methodology

Abstract L-Thymidine (L-dThd) is the enantiomer of D-thymidine (dThd), a naturally-occurring pyrimidine nucleoside found within DNA nucleic acids. L-dThd, also known as Telbivudine, does not occur naturally, but in the last decade has found successful application as an antiviral medication for hepatitis B virus infection. In this work, the gas-phase conformers of the protonated and sodium cationized forms of L-dThd, [L-dThd+H] + and [L-dThd + Na] + , are investigated using infrared multiple photon dissociation (IRMPD) action spectroscopy complemented by electronic structure calculations performed at the B3LYP/6-311+G(2d,2p)//B3LYP/6-311+G(d,p) level of theory. Comparisons between the experimental IRMPD spectra and theoretical linear IR spectra elucidate the stable low-energy conformations adopted by these L-dThd complexes generated by electrospray ionization. Minor 2,4-dihydroxy tautomers (T) and O2 protonated conformers contribute to the experimental [L-dThd+H] + population, whereas conformers involving tridentate binding of Na + to the O2, O4′, and O5′ atoms primarily contribute to the experimental [L-dThd + Na] + population. Theory predicts a tautomer as the protonated ground conformer of [L-dThd+H] + with thymine in an anti orientation and a tridentate (O2O4′O5′) sodium cationized ground conformer with a syn thymine orientation, consistent with theoretical predictions for [dThd+H] + and [dThd + Na] + , respectively. Both protonated and sodium cationized L-dThd and dThd illustrate highly parallel IRMPD spectral features as expected. Survival yield analyses of data from energy-resolved collision-induced dissociation experiments elucidate the relative stabilities of [L-dThd+H] + and [L-dThd + Na] + as compared to the corresponding enantiomeric systems. Identical results are exhibited in the survival yield analyses as anticipated for enantiomeric complexes to simple cations. This work employs the same robust methodology that has provided structural characterization and energetic insight for similar systems preceding it to validate the parallel theoretical and experimental behaviors expected for enantiomers.
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