Vaginal Sildenafil: Role in Improving Endometrial Blood Flow in Women Undergoing IVF With Frozen- Thawed Embryo Cycles- A Study Over Three Cycles

OBJECTIVE: To investigate the effect of vaginal sildenafil on endometrial blood flow in infertile women with prior poor endometrial response. MATERIAL AND METHODS:  This study was carried out in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology of IKDRC-ITS, Ahmedabad from  January 2014 to December 2014. A total of 55 infertile women with an antecedent poor endometrial vascularity and frozen embryos were included in this study.  The women were given oral estradiol valerate tablets (6- 20 mg daily), and tablet ecospirin  ( 75 mg daily)from day 2-14 of the cycle to prepare the endometrium  . Womenwere advice to take sildenafil capsule intravaginally, 25 mg thrice a day, starting from day 5-13 of the cycle. Assessment of endometrial thickness, pattern and vascularity was done on day 14 of the cycle on voluson E8 using transvaginal probe (5-9 MHz).
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