Cricket tympanal organ revisited: morphology, development and possible functions of the adult-specific chitin core beneath the anterior tympanal membrane

Vertebrates and insects are phylogenetically separated by millions of years but have commonly developed tympanal membranes for efficiently converting airborne sound to mechanical oscillation in hearing. The tympanal organ of the field cricket Gryllus bimaculatus, spanning 200 μm, is one of the smallest auditory organs among animals. It indirectly links to two tympana in the prothoracic tibia via tracheal vesicles. The anterior tympanal membrane is smaller and thicker than the posterior tympanal membrane and it is thought to have minor function as a sound receiver. Using differential labeling of sensory neurons/surrounding structures and three-dimensional reconstructions, we revealed that a shell-shaped chitin mass and associated tissues are hidden behind the anterior tympanal membrane. The mass, termed the epithelial core, is progressively enlarged by discharge of cylindrical chitin from epithelial cells that start to aggregate immediately after the final molt and it reaches a plateau in size after 6 days. The core, bridging between the anterior tracheal vesicle and the fluid-filled chamber containing sensory neurons, is supported by a taut membrane, suggesting the possibility that anterior displacements of the anterior tracheal vesicle are converted into fluid motion via a lever action of the core. The epithelial core did not exist in tympanal organ homologs of meso- and metathoracic legs or of nymphal legs. Taken together, the findings suggest that the epithelial core, a potential functional homolog to mammalian ossicles, underlies fine sound frequency discrimination required for adult-specific sound communications.
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