Knowledge about Contraceptive Methods among Adolescent Boys living in Urban Slum Area of Mumbai

Adolescent is an important phase of life where transition from childhood to adulthood takes place. This period matches with the visible physical changes and invisible psychological changes. It is period when ideas about once life are being formed, hence it becomes necessary to understand these changes. Initiation of sexual activities at this time creates chances of unwanted pregnancies as well as threat of sexually transmitted infections. Lack of knowledge about this sensitive issue always creates confusion among boys and they tend to move towards friends or seniors, who also have limited knowledge. Objective of this study is to see the knowledge among adolescent about contraception and various methods available. Study was conducted among adolescent boys in the age group of 14 to 19 years from urban slum area. 256 adolescent boys were enrolled in this study after interviewing individually with preformed questionnaire result was prepared. Almost 166 (64.84%) completed their secondary education. Majority knew about the contraception 214 (83.6%) and aware about various contraceptive methods. Most commonly known contraceptive method was condoms 181 (84.58%) followed by oral contraceptive pills (OCP) 169 (78.97%).
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