Cooperativismo de plataforma e suas contradições: análise de iniciativas da área de comunicação no Platform.Coop | Platform Cooperativism and its contradictions: an analysis of media initiatives on Platform.Coop :: Brapci 2.0

RESUMO A partir de discussoes sobre cooperativas, capitalismo e cooperativismo de plataforma, o artigo analisa os textos de apresentacao de iniciativas da area de comunicacao presentes no site Platform.Coop, referencia mundial no cooperativismo de plataforma, com o objetivo de compreender que valores e visoes de mundo fomentam, com seus alcances e limites, mostrando pistas de como entendem o trabalho cooperativo e o proprio trabalho na area da comunicacao. A pesquisa, entao, aponta as contradicoes nos enunciados das iniciativas do cooperativismo de plataforma, envolvendo ajustamentos as prescricoes do modo de producao capitalista.Palavras-chave: Cooperativismo; Plataforma; Trabalho; Comunicacao.ABSTRACTThe paper analyzes the presentation texts of cooperatives with media workers present in the Platform.Coop site, a world reference in platform cooperativism, with the aim of understanding what are their values and world views, with scope and limits. From discussions on the world of work in the area of communication, between individualization and collective forms of organization, the paper also aims to understand theoretically cooperative issues, especially in the area of communication, platform capitalism and platform cooperativism. The research, then, points out the contradictions in the statements of the initiatives of the platform cooperativism, involving adjustments to the prescriptions of the capitalist mode of production.Keywords: Cooperativism; Platform; Labour; Communication.
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