동아시아의 인공어초 개발과 연구 현황

We conducted a comprehensive review on artificial reefs (ARs) including seaweed reefs for marine afforestation in relation to their development and research from 1972 to 2016, and then systematically analyzed their current a state-of-the-art and practice. From the review, the followings conclusions are made. First, the objectives of AR projects in the Southeast Asia can be classified into three, i.e. protection and increase of fishery resources, local community’s profits, and ecological tourism. Second, fish gathering effects by ARs can be determined in terms of wake region or wake length that tends to increase with the K-C (Keulegan-Carpenter) number. Third, ARs are desirable to deploy across a direction of the main flow but it is essential to keep the deployment interval two to four times the length of a single reef. Fourth, stability of ARs depends on how to evaluate drag coefficient, and Morison formula turns out to be practical. Fifth, local scours of ARs are likely to occur due to a downward flow around the center of the front surface. Finally, it is natural for ARs to positively contribute to the marine ecosystem but it is imperative to develop an evaluation method for the effects of ARs on the marine ecosystem.
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