Birth Control and Love: The Complete Guide to Contraception and Fertility

If anyone of lesser ability than Alan Guttmacher had tried to present in a relatively brief compass "A Complete Guide to Contraception and Overcoming Infertility, With Detailed Consideration of the Pill, the IUD, Rhythm, Sterilization, Abortion, and Artificial Insemination," the results would have been dismal. But in Birth Control and Love , written with the help of Winifred Best and Frederic S. Jaffe, Dr. Guttmacher has produced a book of considerable value which examines all of these important facts in some depth. The style is discursive and sprightly, with numerous amusing anecdotes drawn from a long and extensive practice of obstetrics and gynecology. The layman reads the volume as if she were sitting in Dr. Guttmacher's office receiving sound answers to innumerable questions, and obviously it is she who will derive the greatest benefit from the book. Unfortunately, the language is sometimes technical and sometimes directed to a high school drop-out,
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