Electric field control of ferromagnetism at room temperature in GaCrN (p-i-n) device structures

We have demonstrated a room temperature dilute magnetic semiconductor based on GaCrN epitaxial layers grown by metalorganic chemical vapor deposition. Saturation magnetization Ms increased when the GaCrN film is incorporated into a (p-GaN/i-GaCrN/n-GaN) device structure, due to the proximity of mediated holes present in the p-GaN layer. Zero field cooling and field cooling were measured to ascertain the absence of superparamagnetic behavior in the films. A (p-GaN/i-GaCrN/n-GaN) device structure with room temperature ferromagnetic (FM) properties that can be controlled by an external applied voltage has been fabricated. In this work, we show that the applied voltage controls the ferromagnetic properties, by biasing the (p-i-n) structure. With forward bias, ferromagnetism in the GaCrN layer was increased nearly 4 fold of the original value. Such an enhancement is due to carrier injection of holes into the Cr deep level present in the i-GaCrN layer. A “memory effect” for the FM behavior of the (p-i-n) GaCrN ...
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