Antithyroid and antiperoxidase activity of tropolone and 3-hydroxy-4-pyrone

Abstract Tropolone (TR) and 3-hydroxy-4-pyrone were investigated for antithyroid activity following the finding that the 2-hydroxy-oxo pyridine, 3-hydroxy-4(1H)-pyridone (DHP, I), is goitrogenic. Both compounds inhibited the thyroidal uptake of radioiodine in rats and resembled the thioamide drugs in inhibiting the organic binding of iodine by the thyroid gland rather than the trapping of iodide, but were weaker binding inhibitors than 6-methyl-2-thiouracil (MeTU). Both compounds also inhibited the iodination of bovine serum albumin and thyroglobulin, catalyzed by thyroidperoxidase (TPO), lactoperoxidase (LPO), chloroperoxidase (CPO) and horseradish peroxidase (HPO) in vitro. The inhibitory effect of TR but not that of 3-hydroxy-4-pyrone was antagonized by ferrous ions. When fed to mice at levels of intake expected to produce goitre both compounds were toxic and caused severe liver damage. Thyroid enlargement was not observed in any of these feeiding experiments, but the thyroids of mice fed 0.1% TR showed moderate hyperplasia. It was concluded that both compounds are weakly goitrogenic. Hyperactivity was observed in the mice fed TR which may be associated with inhibition of catechol methyl transferase (COMT).
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