Działalność wydawnicza Polskiej Ludowej Akcji Niepodległościowej (1939–1944)

[Publishing activity of the Polish People’s Action for Independence (Polska Ludowa Akcja Niepodleglościowa) (1939–1944)] The Polish People’s Action for Independence (Polska Ludowa Akcja Niepodleglościowa, PLAN) was one of the first underground organizations of the Polish Secret State (Polskie Panstwo Podziemne). It did not play a particularly significant role, however, in its short existence of not even three-months it showed considerable activity in many areas of its undertakings, including publishing activity. The PLAN members participated in “small sabotage” – they posted or dropped anti-German leaflets, copied and printed posters, ran “sticker actions” and published their own press: “Biuletyn Polski” (Polish Bulletin) and “Polska Ludowa” (People’s Poland). The texts published by the PLAN were characterized by a radical ideology relating to the presented vision of the socio-political and economic system of the post-war Poland. In mid-January 1940 the PLAN was exposed. After a few months, a successor organization, PLAN II, was founded, which kept the name of its predecessor. Its press, “Rzeczpospolita” (Commonwealth) and “Rzeczpospolita Ludowa” (People’s Commonwealth) offered both coverage of current war and occupation information as well as considerations of theoretical and programmatic nature. Likewise, a newspaper „Z Dnia na Dzien (From Day to Day), initially published by “Jerzyki” group, was connected with the PLAN II. The publishing house of the PLAN also published three underground books Projekt ustroju panstwa (Project of a Form of the Government), Formy zestroju spolecznego (Forms of the Social System), Ruchy spoleczno-polityczne XIX i XX wieku (Socio-political Movements of the 19th and 20th Centuries).
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