Динамика показателей физиологического уровня функционального состояния организма студентов медицинского колледжа в процессе адаптации к обучению

The students of medical college in each of the four semesters of study determined by the value of the integral indicator of the functional state of the sum in points separately evaluated indicators of the level of the exchange-energy processes, the state of adaptation mechanisms and the level of the autonomic regulation of the cardiovascular system. Determined that the nature of the dynamics of physiological indicators of the functional state of the students pointed out the general pattern of changes in the state regulatory system, reflecting the stress adaptation mechanisms. By the end of the second semester, most indicators have maximum values with a tendency to stabilize by the end of the third and fourth semesters. During the fourth semester the voltage level of the physiological systems responsible for ensuring that the process of adaptation, pointed to the increased level of mobilization of functional reserves. It was concluded that tthe learning of college students in the second year takes place not less difficult than during the first year of training. Only at the end of the fourth semester to determine the trend toward stabilization in functional status.
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