Post-Flight Hypersonic Ground Experiments and FADS Flight Data Evaluation for the SHEFEX-II Configuration

During the successful SHEFEX-II flight experiment, the sharp-edged vehicle reached an apogee of 177 km and Mach numbers up to approx. 9 during re-entry. The gathered flight data included pressure, temperature and heat flux measurements at various locations along the TPS. To further analyse the aerothermal effects on the vehicle during ascent and re-entry flight-phases a wind tunnel model was built and tested in the hypersonic wind tunnel H2K at DLR Cologne. During the extensive test campaign several measurement techniques like infrared thermography, Schlieren photography, heat flux and pressure sensors were applied. In addition one tile of the model was designed to be adjustable, so that effects of geometrical variations in the model contour, like steps and gaps in between tiles, could also be analysed. This paper presents the results of the wind tunnel test campaign. In addition to the wind tunnel data a flush airdata sensing algorithm is also applied to the flight data for the determination of the aerodynamic parameters angle of attack, angle of sideslip and Mach number during ascent and re-entry.
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