Experimental comparison of the thrombogenicity of fibrin and PTFE flow surfaces.

Two types of 4 mm ID prostheses were studied in the carotid arteries of the dog. These were noncrimped polypropylene-supported filamentous velour knitted Dacron (PPSFV) and expanded polytetrafluoroethylene (e-PTFE, Gore-Tex). Thrombus-"Free" Surface TFS) areas and patency rates were determined at the end of the implant periods. One series of implants was subjected to controlled low flow rates for six hours; another was exposed to physiologic flow rates and observed at seven days, 14 days, and 12 weeks. At six hours the filamentous Dacron, preclotted according to a specific regimen utilizating heparin, performed as well as, and possibly better than, e-PTFE. The Gore-Tex developed surface coagulum in an irregular fashion which was related to graft wetting and blood soakage. Seven-day TFS scores and patency rates of the two graft types were comparable at physiologic flow rates. At two weeks, TFS scores and patency rates of the two graft types were comparable at physiologic flow rates. At two weeks, TFS scores and patency rates dropped. This was sufficiently marked in the case of e-PTFE that longer-term implants were not done. However, PPSFV grafts were implanted for 12 weeks, and all grafts examined at that time had closed. It appears that patency of 4 mm ID grafts of this construction will not be reliably attained in the dog carotid artery without the use of platelet-inhibitory drugs until complete healing has occurred.
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