Analysis and capability of a noncompact integration method for rotor noise prediction

Rotor noise computations starting from CFD input data using either the Kirchhoff or the generalized Ffowcs Williams–Hawkings surface integral methods in unsteady conditions may be very lengthy. This is the case for directivity studies or noise level contour calculations for which a high number of observer locations is required. To overcome this drawback, a fast integration method has been designed. It starts from the emission time which avoids having to solve the retarded time equation and uses directly as integration grid the CFD rotating grid (a priori not adapted to acoustic calculations). This is made possible thanks to a noncompact treatment of each grid element. The method has already been successfully applied in a transonic rotor case using indifferently a subsonically or supersonically rotating CFD grid for the surface integration (G. Rahier and J. Prieur, 53rd Forum of the American Helicopter Society, 29 April–1 May 1997). The method is made more understandable based on a new and clearer justific...
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