Turkmens Clans in Çukurova in the 19th Century: Cerid and Tecirli

OZET Cerid ve Tecirli asiretleri, Dulkadir Turkmenlerini olusturan boylardan ikisi olup, Maras-Antakya taraflarinda dolasmaktadirlar. XVI. yuzyil sonlarinda Cukurova'da kislamaya baslayan Cerid ve Tecirliler, gerek kislaklarinda gerekse yaylaya gidis donuslerinde cevreye buyuk zarar vermeye baslarlar. Bu nedenle Osmanli idarecileri, XVII ve XVIII. yuzyilda bu iki asireti iskân etmek icin gayret gosterirler, fakat basarili olamazlar. XIX. yuzyil ortalarinda Cerid ve Tecirli asiretlerinin sebep oldugu problemler ve devletin iskân tesebbusleri devam eder. Bilhassa 1855-1865 yillari arasinda Osmaniye'de iskânlari icin bir hayli gayret gosterilir. Kismi basari elde edilse de, ozellikle Tecirli asiretinin zararlari onlenemez. Nihayet 1865 yilinda Firka-i Islahiye adi verilen ve Istanbul'da hazirlanan bir ordu Cukurova'ya gonderilir. Firka-i Islahiye bolgedeki gocebe asiretleri iskân ederek devlet otoritesini yeniden saglamistir. Bu iskân faaliyetleri sirasinda Cerid ve Tecirli asiretleri "kadim kislaklari" olan Osmaniye ve cevresine yerlesmek zorunda kalirlar. Yaylaya cikmalari yasaklanarak, koyler insa ettirilir ve ciftcilik yapmaya mecbur birakilirlar. Gunumuzde Osmaniye-Ceyhan -Kadirli-Duzici bolgesinde yasayan nufusun buyuk kismi Cerid ve Tecirli Turkmenlerine mensuptur. Calismamizda bu iskân sureci uzerinde durulacaktir. Anahtar Kelimeler: Cerid, Tecirli, Cukurova, Asiret, Turkmen ABSTRACT Cerid and Tecirli clans two clans of many that composed Dulkadir Turkmens were nomadic clans living in the surrounding of Maras and Antakya. Cerid ve Tecirli clans who began to pass the winter in Cukurova at the end of XVI century started giving huge damages to their winter camping grounds (kislak) and to the environment en route to their migration. For this reason the Ottoman administrators tried to settle these two tribes but could not do so during the XVII and XVIII centuries. In the mids of XIX century the Ottoman settlement policies had continued along with the problems caused by Cerid and Tecirli clans. Great efforts had been spend to settle them in Osmaniye especially between 1855 and 1865. In spite of partial success the harms of Tecirli clan could not be prevented. At the end an army called Firka-i Islahiye was prepared in Istanbul and sent to Cukurova in 1865. Firka-i Islahiye settled the nomadic tribes and brought back the State authority in the region. During these settlement activities Cerid and Tecirli clans had been forced to settle in Osmaniye which was their long lasted winter accommodation (kislak). They had been banned to go to their summer camping grounds (yayla) and made to build villages and forced to farming. Today most of the populations live in Osmaniye-Ceyhan-Kadirli- Duzici region belong to Cerid and Tecirli clans. In our work points out the settlement process.
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