植物性プランクトン珪藻の検出による溺死の研究補遺 第1編 頸動脈切傷による出血時,頭部打撲による脳震盪時および絞頸における終末呼吸時において河中に投じ死亡させたウサギの死体臓器ならびに骨から珪藻の検出について

The authors have experimented to detect the planktons from the drowned dead bodies under the special conditions. Rabbits were thrown into the ditch water after they were injured the carotid artery, during the terminal breathing by strangulation and concussion of the brain. It was tried to detect the planktons after the incinaration of organs and bones. Results are following; 1) Planktons could not be detected from organs and bones of rabbits that were put the ditch water into stomach with catheterization. 2) Planktons could be detected from the organs and bones of rabbits that were drowned to death after injured to the carotid artery, but longer the time after injured, lesser the plankton can be detected. 3) Excepting lung, there were no planktons in the organs and bones of the rabbits that were thrown into the river after death by bleeding. 4) From the organs and bones of the rabbits that were thrown into the river under standstill of therminal breathing by strangulation, several plankton could be detected though in small number. 5) Planktons could be detected from organs and bones of the rabbits that were drowned to death in the river under concussion of the brain.
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