О проблеме взаимоотношения Джунгарского и Казахского ханств и об их подданстве Российскому государству

As it is known, the Kalmyks came from Zunghar. By the beginning of the 16th century Oirat nomads became trapped between the Kazakh Khanate and Eastern Mongolia. In the middle of the 16th century Oirats had to struggle in the west against the Sultanate of Turfan, in the north against the Kazakh Khanate, and in the east against Eastern and Southern Mongolia rulers at the same time. The imbalance of power led to the fact that Oirats suffered serious losses in that fight. The end of the 16th century is characterised by the deterioration of the Oirat tribes. The Oirat society entered a period of crisis, caused by the lack of pasture and the weakening of the Oirat lands, inevitable in the stronger fragmentation and deterioration of uluses. At this time, part of the Oirat uluses started to move to the Southern and Western Siberia. Oirats contacted the peoples of Western Siberia. These contacts established the Russian-Oirat embassy and trade relations, initiating the process of voluntary entry of the Oirat tribes in Russia. Negotiations of 1608-1609 laid the basis of the close ties between the Russian and Kalmyk peoples. Therefore, August 20, 1609 is considered the official date of entering of the Kalmyk people into Russia. But not only the Kalmyks sought to join Russia, the Kazakh Khanate also wanted the Moscow State to patronise it. In the middle of the 15th century, as a result of separation of part of the Turkic-speaking tribes, under the leadership of sultans Zhanibek and Girey, from the state of Abulkhair a new political union was formed the Kazakh Khanate. Quick strengthening of the Kazakh Khanate due to other related nomadic tribes joining it, active foreign policy of the first Kazakh khans to expand their territories inevitably led to a clash with Oirats. In the 15th-16th centuries the Kazakhs won in the military clashes with the Zunghars. So, in the times of Tauekel Khan (1582-1598) part of the Kalmyk tribes was subordinated to the Kazakh Khanate. In the 16th century, both the Kazakh and Zunghar Khanates sought to join the Russian State, obtain its protection. However, the Kazakhs had no idea that a century later since 1698 the Zunghar invasion will be their main threat, and it will force the Kazakh Khanate to the rapprochement with Russia to gain political and military protection and assistance. At the end of the 17th century with the accession of Tsewang Rabtan to the throne Oirat invasions became a permanent confrontation. In the first quarter of the 17th century Zungharia was a real threat not only to the Kazakhs, Kyrgyz, Uzbeks, but also for Russia.
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