PS-Net: Point Shift Network for 3-D Point Cloud Completion

Point cloud completion aims to infer the complete point clouds from incomplete ones, which is used in remote sensing applications such as reconstructing and autonomous driving. However, most existing methods cannot recover accurate structure details of the object. In this article, we propose point shift network (PS-Net). Our main contributions lie in the following three-folds. First, we propose a multiresolution encoder, which extracts and fuses multiresolution point cloud features hierarchically, thus avoiding information loss caused by a single global feature. Second, we design a multiresolution point cloud generation structure, which can be combined with the multiresolution encoder to generate gradually dense point clouds, avoiding the problem of nonuniformly density of the single-layer decoder. Third, we design the shift network (SN), which is used to generate shift vectors to shift the coordinates of each point cloud, so as to further fine-tune the coordinate positions of point clouds, achieving more accurate prediction. We conduct comprehensive experiments on the ShapeNet, KITTI, ScanObjectNN, and ModelNet40 datasets, which demonstrate that the proposed PS-Net achieves better performance than the existing methods and verify the robustness of the proposed method. This article contributes a new method to point cloud completion, realizes fine point cloud shape completion, and brings new possibilities to the research of autonomous driving, registration, and reconstruction.
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