Fighting Mainstream Bias in Recommender Systems via Local Fine Tuning

In collaborative filtering, the quality of recommendations critically relies on how easily a model can find similar users for a target user. Hence, a niche user who prefers items out of the mainstream may receive poor recommendations, while a mainstream user sharing interests with many others will likely receive recommendations of higher quality. In this work, we study this mainstream bias centering around three key thrusts. First, to distinguish mainstream and niche users, we explore four approaches based on outlier detection techniques to identify a mainstream score indicating the mainstream level for each user. Second, we empirically show that severe mainstream bias is produced by conventional recommendation models. Last, we explore both global and local methods to mitigate the bias. Concretely, we propose two global models: Distribution Calibration (DC) and Weighted Loss (WL) methods; and one local method: Local Fine Tuning (LFT) method. Extensive experiments show the effectiveness of the proposed methods to improve utility for niche users and also show that the proposed LFT can improve the utility for mainstream users at the same time.
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