UMUTeam at SemEval-2022 Task 5: Combining image and textual embeddings for multi-modal automatic misogyny identification

In this manuscript we describe the participation of the UMUTeam on the MAMI shared task proposed at SemEval 2022. This task is concerning the identification of misogynous content from a multi-modal perspective. Our participation is grounded on the combination of different feature sets within the same neural network. Specifically, we combine linguistic features with contextual transformers based on text (BERT) and images (BEiT). Besides, we also evaluate other ensemble learning strategies and the usage of non-contextual pretrained embeddings. Although our results are limited, we outperform all the baselines proposed, achieving position 36 in the binary classification task with a macro F1-score of 0.687, and position 28 in the multi-label task of misogynous categorisation, with an macro F1-score of 0.663.
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