Agent Behavioral Analysis Based on Absorbing Markov Chains

We propose a novel technique to identify known behaviors of intelligent agents acting within uncertain environments. We employ Markov chains to represent the observed behavioral models of the agents and we formulate the problem as a classification task. In particular, we propose to use the long-term transition probability values of moving between states of the Markov chain as features. Additionally, we transform our models into absorbing Markov chains, enabling the use of standard techniques to compute such features. The empirical evaluation considers two scenarios: the identification of given strategies in classical games, and the detection of malicious behaviors in malware analysis. Results show that our approach can provide informative features to successfully identify known behavioral patterns. In more detail, we show that focusing on the long-term transition probability enables to diminish the error introduced by noisy states and transitions that may be present in an observed behavioral model. We pose particular attention to the case of noise that may be intentionally introduced by a target agent to deceive an observer agent.
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