Unsupervised Self-Correlated Learning Smoothy Enhanced Locality Preserving Graph Convolution Embedding Clustering for Hyperspectral Images

Hyperspectral image (HSI) clustering is an extremely fundamental but challenging task with no labeled samples. Deep clustering methods have attracted increasing attention and have achieved remarkable success in HSI classification. However, most existing clustering methods are ineffective for large-scale HSI, due to their poor robustness, adaptability, and feature presentation. In this article, to address these issues, we introduce unsupervised self-correlated learning smoothy enhanced locality preserving graph convolution embedding clustering ( $\text{S}^{2}$ LGCC) for large-scale HSI. Specifically, the spectral-spatial transformation is introduced to transform the original HSI into a graph while preserving the local spectral features and spatial structures. After that, a locality preserving graph convolutional embedding encoder is designed to learn the hidden representation from the graph, in which the deep layer-wise graph convolutional network (LGAT) is proposed to preserve the adaptive layerwise locality features. In addition, the self-correlated learning smoothy module is developed to learn the smoothy information and the nonlocal relationship in the hidden representation space for clustering. Finally, a self-training strategy is proposed to cluster the graph node, in which a self-training clustering objective employs soft labels to supervise the clustering process. The proposed $\text{S}^{2}$ LGCC is jointly optimized by the fusion graph reconstruction loss and self-training clustering loss, and the two benefit each other. On Indian Pines (IP), Salinas, and UH2013 datasets, the overall accuracies (OAs) of our $\text{S}^{2}$ LGCC are 71.76%, 82.61%, and 63.82%, respectively.
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