Cross-View Relation Networks for Mammogram Mass Detection

In medical image analysis, multi-view modeling is crucial for pathology detection when the target lesion is presented in different views, e.g. mass lesions in breasts. Currently mammogram is the most effective imaging modality for mass lesion detection of breast cancer at the early stage. The pathological information from the two paired views (i.e., medio-Iateral oblique and cranio-caudal) are highly relational and complementary, which is crucial for diagnosis in clinical practice. Existing mass detection methods do not consider learning synergistic features from the two relational views. For the first time, we propose a novel mass detection framework to capture the latent relation information from the two paired views of a same mass in mammogram. We evaluate our model on a public mammogram dataset and a large-scale private dataset, demonstrating that the proposed method outperforms existing feature fusion approaches and state-of-the-art mass detection methods. We further analyze the performance gains from the relation modeling. Our quantitative and qualitative results suggest that jointly learning cross- view features boosts the detection performance of existing models, which is a promising avenue for mass detection task in mammogram.
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