Research on the Application of Blended Teaching Mode with “Deep Learning” Orientation

When combined with deep learning theory and blended learning characteristics, the author develops a blended teaching mode centered on “deep learning.” A blended teaching mode centered on “deep learning” is developed, and the professional course of “Personal Finance” at a higher vocational college in Jiangsu Province is used to demonstrate and apply the method. According to studies, teachers can effectively promote students’ deep learning by utilizing information teaching resources in a blended “online + offline” mode of instruction. The research shows that teachers can create a meaningful learning environment, stimulate students’ enthusiasm for autonomous learning, guide students to complete the construction of knowledge meaning, deepen the transmission and application of knowledge, solve practical problems, effectively promote students’ in-depth learning, and design a variety of evaluation methods to assist this process. The study of learning environment can stimulate students’ enthusiasm for autonomous learning, guide students to complete the construction of knowledge significance, strengthen knowledge transfer and application to practical problems, develop a variety of evaluation methods, and help students reflect on their learning gains.
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