Еластографія зсувної хвилі в оцінці морфологічних змін підшлункової залози при хронічному панкреатиті

Objective. To establish the sensitivity and specificity of elastography of the shift wave in estimation of morphological changes in pancreatic gland in chronic pancreatitis. Маterials and methods. Retrospective analysis of the preoperative elastography results, concerning the shift wave, was accomplished, using the morphological investigations data from the pancreatic gland biopsies, оbtained in 68 patients, оperated on for complications of chronic pancreatitis (the main group), and in 30 patients, not owing the chronic pancreatitis signs (control group). Results. Application of elastographic the shift wave procedure in estimation of morphologic pancreatic changes in chronic pancreatitis made it possible to elaborate a diagnostic pattern of a high quality with sensitivity 80.1% and specificity 86.4%. Morphological changes in the organ in stages of early and late fibrosis on background of active and nonactive inflammation of its parenchyma were verified in accordance to a color pattern and indices of the pancreatic parenchyma rigidity. Conclusion. The most trustworthy numeral indices of elastography of a shift wave were delineated in noninvasive estimation of the inflammation activity and a stage of the pancreatic fibrous transformation degree in chronic pancreatitis.
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