Designing a Results Framework for Achieving Results : A How-to Guide

It is difficult to know if programs have succeeded or failed if the expected results are not clearly articulated. An explicit definition of results, precisely what is to be achieved through the project or program and by when, keeps measurable objectives in sight, helps monitor progress toward those objectives, and assists with adjustment and management of program implementation. Results-based management is a key tool for development effectiveness. Recent years have witnessed a trend in explicitly specifying the results (outcomes and impacts) of both broader country strategies and more specific programs and projects. Internationally agreed principles have underpinned this push for results, most notably with the adoption of the United Nations Millennium Declaration (2000), which established the Millennium Development Goals with targets and indicators to provide the basis for measuring progress and the effectiveness of aid. This publication also provides various examples or excerpts of results frameworks used at various levels (for example, country, project, and organization) and offers references for further support to practitioners in designing and using results frameworks for development effectiveness.
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