Kinetics of Renal Sodium Excretion During Changes in Dietary Sodium Intake in Man - An Exponential Process?

The kinetics of urinary sodium excretion was studied during sodium restriction and sodium supplementation in normal subjects. Eight were studied on a normal sodium intake (24 h urinary sodium: 133.3 ± 9.6 mmol) and then during 6 days on a low sodium intake of 10 mmol/day. Six other subjects were studied after equilibration on the low sodium intake for 7 days and then during 5 days on a high sodium intake of 350 mmol/day. 24 h urinary sodium excretion during sodium restriction was consistent with a first-order exponential process with an estimated half-life of 21.8 ± 2.4 hours. During sodium supplementation there were corresponding increases in urinary sodium excretion reaching the new steady-state within 3 days but the behaviour of the urinary sodium excretion during the transition period was not consistent with a mono-exponential process. These observations support the concept that the control of sodium balance, during sodium restriction at least, is consistent with a first order proportional feed-back s...
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