Camel bite: an uncommon mode of maxillofacial injury, its mechanism and fatality: case series and review of literature

Introduction: Maxillofacial injuries are presented with many different patterns. It mostly depends upon the mode of injury like physical assault, road traffic accidents, occupational injuries, fall, sport injuries and animal attacks. Animals bites are common with wild animals but attack from an otherwise calm animal like camel is unusual and unexpected. They may cause a severe kind of maxillofacial injury which ranges from minor lacerations to total loss of soft and hard tissues. Such incidences are frequently seen in Rajasthan, India where camels are kept as a pet. Present study throws light on literature related to animal bite injuries and their management along with our experience with camel bite injuries. Materials and Methods: Twenty patients (19 male and 1 female) of different age groups with variable extent of maxillofacial trauma induced by camel attacks were included in the study. Among them, different patterns of maxillofacial injuries were observed involving both soft and hard tissue. Result and Conclusion: This study provides the comprehensive incidence, pathophysiology, and management of camel inflicted injuries. Understanding the behavior patterns of this animal may prevent such severe injuries.
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