Peningkatan proses dan hasil belajar pada kompetensi dasar penataan sanggul daerah Kalimantan selatan dan Kalimantan timur melalui model pembelajaran langsung siswa kelas XI SMKN 1 Sooko Mojokerto

Pembelajaran langsung adalah salah satu pendekatan mengajar  yang dirancang khusus untuk menunjang proses belajar siswa yang berkaitan dengan  pengetahuan deklaratif dan prosedural yang terstruktur dengan baik yang dapat diajarkan dengan pola kegiatan yang bertahap, selangkah demi selangkah. Dalam pembelajaran langsung metode yang digunakan adalah penelitian tindakan kelas.  Pada kompetensi dasar penataan sanggul daerah kalimantan selatan dan kalimantan timur menerapkan model pembelajaran langsung. Penelitian dilaksanakan di SMK Negeri 1 Sooko Mojokerto siswa kelas XI Kecantikan Rambut tahun ajaran 2012-2013 sebanyak 32 siswa penelitian dilaksanakan pada bulan Juli 2012. Penelitian ini adalah deskriptif kuantitatif. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode observasi, tes, angket dan instrumen yang digunakan adalah lembar pengamatan aktivitas guru, aktivitas siswa, hasil belajarnsiswa dan respon siswa. Perangkat yang digunakan adalah Silabus, RPP, Modul dan LKS. Hasil penelitian meliputi 1). Aktivitas guru dalam proses belajar mengajar dilaksanakan dengan sangat baik. Pada siklus 1 presentase aktivitas guru 74,45 sedangkan pada siklus 2 meningkat menjadi 82%. 2). Aktivitas siswa dalam proses belajar mengajar pada siklus 1 adalah 79,7% sedangkan pada siklus ke 2 aktivitas siswa meningkat menjadi 87%. 3). Hasil belajar siswa dalam proses belajar mengajar pada siklus 1 hasil presentase 73,5% sedangkan pada siklus ke 2 mengalami peningkatan menjadi 78,3%. 4). Hasil respon siswa dalam proses belajar mengajar pada siklus 1 dan ke 2 hasil presentase 90%. Kata Kunci : Kompetensi penataan sanggul daerah dengan menerapkan model pembelajaran langsung. Abstract Hands-on learning is one approach that is specifically designed to support students' learning processes related to declarative knowledge and procedural knowledge gradually, step by step. The selection of appropriate teaching models that do not affect the learning process of students. To achieve basic competency structuring bun South Kalimantan and East Kalimantan students are expected to master the material and improve learning outcomes with direct instructional model. The purpose of this study were (1) increase the activity of teachers in applying the model of direct instruction, (2) activities of students in the learning process, (3) learning outcomes, and (4) the response of students for teaching                learning  activities. This research is a type of class action Penelitiaan (PTK). Action research is a situation to solve the problems in learning and can improve the quality of teaching and learning outcomes. Data collection techniques such as observation, testing, and questionnaires with the use of learning the lesson plans, modules, and LKS. This study was conducted in SMKN 1 Sooko Mojokerto class XI. The results of this study indicate 1). Activities of teachers in the learning process, in the first cycle the lowest percentage of all teachers to motivate the students are with the results of 74.45, while in the second cycle activities of teachers to motivate students increased to 82%. 2). Activity of the student in the learning process with the lowest percentage of first cycle students are less active in asking 79.7%, while in the second cycle activity asks students increased to 87%. 3). Student learning outcomes in the teaching and learning process in the first cycle mastery individuals ≥ 75% passing grade is 23 students, while ≤ 75 is 9 students and 72% classical completeness so that students expressed unfinished. In the second cycle of data has increased learning outcomes, students reach 100% mastery with classical completeness 78.3% Criteria well 4). The results of student responses in the learning process with a percentage of 90% were categorized very well. Thus, the direct application of learning models on the basis of competence structuring bun South Kalimantan and Borneo Timurdapat improve processes and learning outcomes. Keywords: bun structuring competence areas, hands-on learning models
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