A saliency-driven video magnifier for people with low vision.

Consuming video content poses significant challenges for many screen magnifier users, which is the "go to" assistive technology for people with low vision. While screen magnifier software could be used to achieve a zoom factor that would make the content of the video visible to low-vision users, it is oftentimes a major challenge for these users to navigate through videos. Towards making videos more accessible for low-vision users, we have developed the SViM video magnifier system [6]. Specifically, SViM consists of three different magnifier interfaces with easy-to-use means of interactions. All three interfaces are driven by visual saliency as a guided signal, which provides a quantification of interestingness at the pixel-level. Saliency information, which is provided as a heatmap is then processed to obtain distinct regions of interest. These regions of interests are tracked over time and displayed using an easy-to-use interface. We present a description of our overall design and interfaces.
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